Submit Your Proposal
Please read the submission details in the drop-down menus below.
Submissions on any aspect of language and cognitive performance in all languages will be considered.
Submissions are due by February 15, 2025
The information below contains specific details and instructions related to submitting your research for presentation at the annual Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders.
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
General Guidelines (all submission types)
- Data-based poster presentations addressing language disorders in children and other related topics are being solicited.
- Scoping or systematic reviews will not be accepted, though meta-analysis will be considered.
- Only completed research that has not been previously presented or published should be submitted.
- Research question(s) should be clear (see below).
- All submissions will be reviewed anonymously by the program committee.
- A maximum of three submissions per first author will be accepted.
Submitted Oral Presentations (SOP)
- You must choose Submitted Oral Presentation on the online submission form to be considered for this opportunity.
- Researchers at all professional levels are invited to submit.
- The SOP format is a 20 minute presentation with 10 minutes for Q&A (one presenter).
- An anonymous review process will be used to select the oral presentations.
- To qualify, you must meet the submission deadline; no late acceptances.
Submissions that are not accepted for a SOP will be considered for poster presentation.
Specific Submission Guidelines
Submissions are web-based and require identifying information, an abstract, and a summary. You can prepare the abstract on your word processor and cut and paste it into the submission form or you can enter it directly. Please keep in mind, if your submission is accepted, the identifying information and abstract will be published AS IS. You will not have the opportunity to make changes and we will not edit your submission.
The following three requirements must be completed for your submission to be accepted:
1) Identifying Information
Include the following information:
Contact person (contact person is the submitter; we do not assume this is the first author)
Contact’s address
Contact’s telephone number
Contact’s email address
Presentation title – Submit the title as you would like it to appear in the conference program
Names of all authors and their affiliation(s) – please check for correct spelling.
IMPORTANT: If the contact person (submitter) is an author, his/her/their name and affiliation MUST be entered in the author section of the submission form. Please be sure author order is entered correctly.
2) The Abstract
180 word single-spaced abstract which consists of a concise summary of the poster presentation (rationale, methods, results, and conclusions). Please cite funding source(s) as the last line of your abstract (included in word count).
If your submission is accepted, this abstract will be published as is on the SRCLD web site. We will not edit your abstract and you will not have the opportunity to make changes. Do not exceed 180 words.
3) The Summary
A title must be included at the top of the summary (title not included in word count). Do not include author name(s) or affiliations anywhere in the summary document.
The summary should include the following headings:
Research Question(s)
- Question(s) should be clearly stated and easily identifiable.
- Include a concise rationale with the intent that the work will make a significant contribution to the literature and will be of great interest to conference attendees.
The research should be data-driven. Case studies are acceptable, if appropriate given the research questions. Methods should be appropriate and well described.
Analysis and Results
If the research is in progress, the analyses and expected outcomes should be stated. The analysis and results should be soundly executed and reported.
If the research is in progress, implications based on the expected outcomes should be discussed. The implications must be clear and can be reasonably inferred from the results, with the intent the work will contribute significantly to the literature on this topic.
Submission Formatting
- Do not exceed 600 words.
- The review committee reserves the right to deny review of submissions that are over the word limit.
- In-text citations are optional and are included in the word limit.
- Charts, figures, graphs, and/or tables are not counted in the word limit.
- Reference list is optional and is not included in the word limit.
- A double-spaced, 12 point font, Word document is preferred.
Poster Specifications
Poster Boards
The inside perimeter of each poster board is 91” (wide) by 44.75” (high).
Effective posters are concise, use a font size that can be read from several feet away, and use graphics to display data. Posters that are text-only tend not to communicate as well as those combining graphics and text.
Posters should contain the common elements of a research poster: Introduction/Background, Research Question(s), Participants, Methods, Results/Conclusions or Implications.
Each poster must include a disclosure. See below for details.
Pins will be available to adhere your poster to the poster board.
Literature holders for 8.5” X 11” handouts (optional) are available upon request. If you require a literature holder, please contact Karen Andriacchi at by May 25.
How long do I present? You’ll need to stay “at your poster” for the full 90 minutes of the poster session.
Disclosures are a Requirement for All Presentations
Disclosures are for Transparency
Each poster and SOP presentation must include a disclosure statement regarding Conflict of Interest (COI). The statement is required to notify participants of authors’ financial or non-financial relationship to the presentation contents. Somewhere on your poster, please list each author name and include, e.g., either A) Author #2, Sally Smith: No conflict of interest, or, B) disclose any relevant financial or non-financial relationship, e.g., Author #2, Sally Smith: Author for ABC SLP Publishers and receives royalty payments.
An email will be sent to the designated contact person indicating that the submission was received.
If you have questions please email:
Supported in part by: NIDCD and NICHD, NIH, R13 DC001677, Margarita Kaushanskaya and Audra Sterling, Principal Investigators
University of Wisconsin-Madison – Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders