
We invite your company to participate as an exhibitor at this exciting conference. We expect over 200 researchers, professors, instructors, and students from major research institutions worldwide to attend. Our attendees are frequently in the position to order current publications as texts or to assign them for required class readings. Previous attendees have expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to review recent publications.

Exhibits will be in the same room as our poster sessions to afford maximum access. The coordinator and program committee members will supervise displays eliminating the need to send a representative from your company. However, we encourage you to attend or send a representative as previous attendees have had very positive experiences.

All symposium participants share an interest in child language and related areas and would welcome new publications from a variety of areas including but not limited to:

  • Assessment
  • Autism – ASD
  • Bilingual Language
  • Childhood Aphasia
  • Cognition
  • Cross Cultural Language
  • Deafness
  • Developmental Disabilities
  • Language Acquisition
  • Language Development
  • Language Disorders
  • Linguistics
  • Literacy
  • Phonology
  • Research Design
  • Statistics

Want to be an exhibitor?

If you are interested in exhibiting at SRCLD, please contact Karen Andriacchi.

SRCLD LogoSupported in part by: NIDCD and NICHD, NIH, R13 DC001677, Margarita Kaushanskaya and Audra Sterling, Principal Investigators

University of Wisconsin-Madison – Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders