
Exhibits will be open Friday, May 31 and Saturday, June 1 in the Community Terrace. Please take some time to peruse the displays and chat with our exhibitors.

If you are interested in exhibiting at the 2024 SRCLD, please contact Karen Andriacchi.

We invite your company to participate as an exhibitor at this exciting conference. We expect over 200 researchers, professors, instructors, and students from major research institutions worldwide to attend. Our attendees are frequently in the position to order current publications as texts or to assign them for required class readings. Previous attendees have expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to review recent publications.

Exhibits will be in the same room as our poster sessions to afford maximum access. The coordinator and program committee members will supervise displays eliminating the need to send a representative from your company. However, we encourage you to attend or send a representative as previous attendees have had very positive experiences.

All symposium participants share an interest in child language and related areas and would welcome new publications from a variety of areas including but not limited to:

  • Assessment
  • Autism – ASD
  • Bilingual Language
  • Childhood Aphasia
  • Cognition
  • Cross Cultural Language
  • Deafness
  • Developmental Disabilities
  • Language Acquisition
  • Language Development
  • Language Disorders
  • Linguistics
  • Literacy
  • Phonology
  • Research Design
  • Statistics

Brookes Publishing Co.

An independent publishing company founded in 1978, Brookes has been the premier publisher of practical, research-based resources that support children’s healthy development and boost the learning and success of all people, with and without disabilities. We’ve been with you every step of the way, partnering with experts in the field to bring you cutting-edge research and real-world strategies that support diverse learners from birth to adulthood.


This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Autism Program Environment Rating Scale (APERS)

Autism Program Environment Rating Scale (APERS) - Cover ArtAutism Program Environment Rating Scale (APERS)

Samuel L. Odom, Ph.D., Ann M. Sam, Ph.D., & Ann W. Cox, Ph.D.

Preschool/Elementary (APERS-PE)

Middle/High School (APERS-MH)

How well does your school support learning, development, and participation for students on the autism spectrum? Find out with the APERS-PE and APERSMH, in-depth assessments that evaluate the quality of educational programs for preschool through high school students with autism. Filling the need for a reliable tool focused specifically on the unique learning needs of autistic students, the APERS draws on observations, interviews, and reviews of student records to yield ratings of key domains critical to program quality, from a positive learning climate to family involvement. School administrators and program supervisors will use this invaluable snapshot to document their program’s strengths and make a data-informed plan to address areas for improvement.


  • A tool you can trust. Valid and reliable, the APERS was developed by top researchers in autism and autism program quality.
  • No other tool like it. The APERS is the only assessment of program quality for this student population.
  • Measures what matters. The APERS assesses program features that are most likely to influence the learning and behavior of autistic students.
  • Clear and actionable results. Detailed scores and easy-to-read graphics of results help you pinpoint your program’s strengths and take action to resolve challenges.
  • Informs professional development. The assessment helps you determine where teachers might need more training and support.
  • Provides proof of quality. APERS data is a powerful way to demonstrate the quality of your program to decision makers and families.
  • Great for all classroom types: inclusive classrooms, self-contained classrooms, and programs that combine elements of both.

TRAINING RECOMMENDED: Training is strongly recommended for all APERS raters. APERS training is provided through Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute (FPG) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories (CDIs), Third Edition

MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories (CDIs), Third Edition - Cover ArtMacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories (CDIs), Third Edition

Virginia A. Marchman, Ph.D., Philip S. Dale, Ph.D., & Larry Fenson, Ph.D., with the CDI Advisory Board

Capture parents’ knowledge of their child’s emerging language skills with the new edition of the MacArthur-Bates CDIs! Developed by top language researchers, the CDIs yield valid, reliable information on language development—from children’s early signs of comprehension to their first nonverbal gestures, their first words, and the beginnings of grammar. The CDIs include measures for three age ranges: a Words and Gestures form (ages 8 to 18 months), a Words and Sentences form (ages 16 to 30 months), and the shorter CDI-III (ages 30 to 37 months) that measures expressive vocabulary and grammar.


  • Expanded and more representative norms
  • More options for electronic administration of the CDIs, including fillable PDFs and Web-CDI
  • New picture-based instructions with illustrations
  • Detailed guidelines about choosing the most appropriate CDI forms
  • More CDI resources online, including Wordbank, an open repository of CDI data in 38 languages
  • A rapid, valid Computerized Adaptive scale for expressive vocabulary, available through Web-CDI

PEEPS™ Assessment Kit: Profiles of Early Expressive Phological Skills

Profiles of Early Expressive Phonological Skills (PEEPS) LogoPEEPS™ Assessment Kit: Profiles of Early Expressive Phological Skills

A. Lynn Williams, Ph.D. & Carol Stoel-Gammon, Ph.D.

Phonological development is linked with a child’s later success with language and literacy, but tests of early phonological skills are often not sensitive enough for the youngest children. That’s why clinicians need PEEPS™, a comprehensive assessment of early phonological skills developed specifically for toddlers 18–36 months. Created by leading experts in early phonological development and speech sound disorders, PEEPS helps speech-language pathologists detect speech and language delays early, so children can receive the intervention and support they need to be effective communicators on track for academic achievement.

To conduct either the full PEEPS or the screener, the clinician will:

  • Present a stimulus to the child to elicit each word on the PEEPS word list. The clinician may point to a small toy, a body part or article of clothing, or an illustration in the included board book, A Book of Things.
  • Transcribe the child’s speech production onto the test form.
  • Complete the scoring and summary page to create a profile of the child’s phonological development.
  • Use this profile to help determine if the child is developing within expected limits or displaying delays or red flags that warrant intervention.

PEEPS is easy to administer. The Examiner’s Manual guides clinicians step by step through the process, and the kit includes access to a helpful video in which the authors clearly demonstrate how to deliver PEEPS.

The PEEPS Kit includes:

  • Examiner’s Manual
  • Pack of 10 forms
  • A Book of Things stimulus board book
  • Drawstring bag for examiner to use for physical stimuli
  • Demo video

Building Preverbal Communication & Engagement: Triadic Gaze Intervention for Young Children With Disabilities and Their Families

Building Preverbal Communication & Engagement: Triadic Gaze Intervention for Young Children With Disabilities and Their Families - Cover ArtBuilding Preverbal Communication & Engagement: Triadic Gaze Intervention for Young Children With Disabilities and Their Families

Lesley B. Olswang, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Julie L. Feuerstein, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, & Gay Lloyd Pinder, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

The product of more than three decades of research and clinical work, this accessible guidebook will help professionals harness the power of Triadic Gaze Intervention (TGI), an evidence-based strategy that supports the development of early communication behaviors—gaze, gestures, and vocalizations—in young children with disabilities. Through a straightforward protocol, practitioners will learn powerful techniques for helping caregivers engage young children during everyday routines and build their preverbal communication skills. In-depth practical guidance—enhanced with tip sheets, case examples, photos, and demonstration videos—make the protocol easy to learn and put into action with families and children.

Supporting Social Learning in Autism: An Autobiographical Memory Program to Promote Communication & Connection

Supporting Social Learning in Autism: An Autobiographical Memory Program to Promote Communication & Connection - Cover ArtSupporting Social Learning in Autism: An Autobiographical Memory Program to Promote Communication & Connection

Tiffany L. Hutchins, Ph.D., Ashley R. Brien, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, & Patricia A. Prelock, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BCS-CL

A natural, strengths-based approach to autism intervention, this unique program is about promoting authentic connections by facilitating memory—not encouraging a specific set of behaviors or changing autistic habits of cognition. Ideal for speech-language pathologists and other practitioners, this book offers detailed guidance on how to assess ABM needs and implement activities that help autistic individuals encode and retrieve memories that aid in social learning. Professionals will get step-by-step instructions on using adaptable, person-centered techniques such as elaborative reminiscing, memory making activities, episodic memory draw-talks, and life stories.

TILLS™: Test of Integrated Language & Literacy Skills™

TILLS™: Test of Integrated Language & Literacy Skills™ LogoTILLS™: Test of Integrated Language & Literacy Skills™

Nickola W. Nelson, Ph.D., Nancy Helm-Estabrooks, Sc.D., Gillian Hotz, Ph.D., and Elena Plante, Ph.D.

The Test of Integrated Language & Literacy Skills™ (TILLS™) is the groundbreaking assessment professionals need to test listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in students ages 6—18, and to assess the role of memory in how students perform. Reliable, valid, and comprehensive, TILLS will help you streamline assessment, monitor progress, and reach your ultimate goal: improving students’ communication skills so they can succeed in school.

Why use TILLS?

TILLS is the only test that assesses both spoken AND written language and shows how these skills relate to each other. You’ll get a meaningful profile of skills for each learner, so you can be sure you understand a student’s strengths and needs and aren’t overlooking something crucial. Unlike most other tests, TILLS also provides diagnostic accuracy in “age bands” meaningful to the development of language and literacy skills, so you’ll have the evidence base you need to determine if test scores reflect typical or impaired performance. And if you’re an experienced clinician, you can finish TILLS in just 90 minutes or less—which means you’ll spend less time testing and more time helping students and planning interventions.

This Examiner’s Kit gives you everything you need to get started with TILLS: an Examiner’s Manual, Stimulus Book, 25 Record Forms, Technical Manual, Quick Start Guide, 1 Practice Workbook, 25 Student Response Forms, tablet of Student Rating Scales, and a USB drive of audio and text files.

Bilingual English-Spanish Assessment (BESA)

Bilingual English-Spanish Assessment (BESA) LogoBilingual English-Spanish Assessment (BESA)

Elizabeth D. Peña, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Vera F. Gutiérrez-Clellen, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Aquiles Iglesias, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Brian A. Goldstein, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, & Lisa M. Bedore, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

When a young bilingual child experiences language difficulties, it can be hard to tell if those challenges are due to a disorder or just limited exposure to the English language. That’s a critical distinction—because while limited language exposure will fix itself over time, a language impairment is a clinical issue that will cause the child difficulties in school without timely and effective intervention.

Now there’s a valid, reliable assessment that specifically responds to the needs of young Spanish-English bilingual children. For use with children ages 4 through 6 years who have varying degrees of bilingualism, the Bilingual English-Spanish Assessment (BESA) was developed to:

  • identify phonological and/or language impairment in bilingual children and English language learners using a standardized protocol
  • differentiate between a delay in English language acquisition and a true language disorder
  • document children’s speech and language strengths and needs
  • monitor children’s progress in both languages and use the information to make decisions about intervention

BESA Benefits

  • Valid and reliable. There are very few assessment tools for bilingual children, and even fewer that are valid and reliable. BESA answers the call for a bilingual assessment backed up with solid evidence of validity and reliability.
  • Culturally and linguistically appropriate. BESA subtests are different for each language; the Spanish subtest isn’t just a translation of the English one. Dialects were taken into consideration—the norming sample included 17 Spanish dialects and 7 regional dialects for English—and items were developed for each language based on the markers, structure, and culture of that language.
  • Uncovers the full picture of a child’s language development. Not only does BESA identify language impairments, it also helps you gauge progress in both languages and document a child’s dominant language across different domains of speech and language. This critical information will help you plan interventions and educational programming for bilingual children.
  • Flexible and convenient. You can use each BESA component independently or combine them as part of an assessment battery. Choose which component you want to give—you’re not required to administer both the English and Spanish subtests. BESA can also be given over multiple sessions, so you can easily fit it into your schedule.

Quick Interactive Language Screener™: English-Spanish (QUILS™:ES)

Quick Interactive Language Screener™: English-Spanish (QUILS™:ES) LogoQuick Interactive Language Screener™: English-Spanish (QUILS™:ES)

Aquiles Iglesias, Ph.D., Jill De Villiers, Ph.D., Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Ph.D., Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek, Ph.D., & Mary Sweig Wilson, Ph.D.

How can you tell if young bilingual children are making age-appropriate language progress? Use the Quick Interactive Language Screener™: English–Spanish (QUILS™: ES), a web-based, game-like screener for probing the language skills of English–Spanish bilingual children. Developed for use with children from ages 3 to 5:11, QUILS: ES measures not only language products (what the child already knows in both languages) but also language processes (how the child learns new words and grammar structures).


Like the QUILS™ screener for children whose primary language is English, QUILS: ES looks at three critical areas:

  • Vocabulary: What words do children already know?
  • Syntax: What do children understand about how words go together in sentences?
  • Process: How skilled are children at learning new language items?

To give an accurate, comprehensive picture of the skills of bilingual children, QUILS: ES consists of separate English and Spanish sections. The screener uses the child’s highest score per skill type across both the English and Spanish sections to derive their Best Overall Score and their Best Scores for each of the three areas. The English and Spanish section of QUILS: ES were carefully developed to reflect the variability in grammar rules and word meanings across both languages. The English section is different from the monolingual QUILS and includes all new items, specifically chosen to complement the Spanish section.

Quick Interactive Language Screener™ (QUILS™)

Quick Interactive Language Screener™ (QUILS™) LogoQuick Interactive Language Screener™ (QUILS™)

Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Ph.D., Jill De Villiers, Ph.D., Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Ph.D., Aquiles Iglesias, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, & Mary Sweig Wilson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Early identification is the first step to helping young children with language delays get on track for reading proficiency—and school success. But how do you find the children who might need extra support? It’s simple with the Quick Interactive Language Screener™ (QUILS™) a web-based tool that helps you evaluate the language skills of children ages 3 through 5 years—and make sure their progress is appropriate for their age group.

  • What is QUILS? A game-like, interactive language screener that measures children’s skills in vocabulary, syntax, and process.
  • Who is QUILS for? Children ages 3 through 5 years in early childhood settings.
  • Who completes it? The child, with supervision from a teacher, paraprofessional, or classroom volunteer.
  • What do you need? Any tablet, laptop, or desktop with touchscreen technology and Internet access.
  • What’s the benefit? In about 5-20 minutes, you’ll identify kids with potential language delays so intervention can start as early as possible.

Dynamic Evaluation of Motor Speech Skill (DEMSS) Manual

Dynamic Evaluation of Motor Speech Skill (DEMSS) Manual - Cover ArtDynamic Evaluation of Motor Speech Skill (DEMSS) Manual

Edythe A. Strand, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, & Rebecca J. McCauley, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

When a young child has a severe speech sound disorder— especially one severe enough to affect the child’s intelligibility—it’s critical to determine the degree to which motor speech impairment contributes to the disorder. Now there’s a dynamic, criterion-referenced assessment that helps SLPs do just that. Use the Dynamic Evaluation of Motor Speech Skill (DEMSS) to diagnose severe speech sound disorders in children 3 and older, estimate the severity of a child’s disorder, and inform the development of treatment goals. Purchase the DEMSS manual and you’ll have everything you need, including a keycode that unlocks access to a video tutorial and free unlimited DEMSS forms, downloadable online.

Bilingual Language Development & Disorders in Spanish-English Speakers, Third Edition

Bilingual Language Development & Disorders in Spanish-English Speakers, Third Edition - Cover ArtBilingual Language Development & Disorders in Spanish-English Speakers, Third Edition

Brian A. Goldstein, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Aligned with current best practices and updated with the latest research and new chapters on critical topics, this book prepares SLPs for practice with cutting-edge information on language development and disorders of Spanish–English bilingual children. More than 25 leading researchers compile the high-level knowledge SLPs need to understand the complexity of language development in bilingual children, distinguish language differences from disorders accurately, and conduct effective assessment and intervention. An essential graduate text that will also be a trusted reference for practicing professionals, this third edition gives current and future SLPs a broad, deep, and nuanced understanding of communication development and disorders in Spanish–English bilingual children.

Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder Bundle

Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder Bundle - Cover ArtTreatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder Bundle

Patricia A. Prelock, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BCS-CL, & Rebecca J. McCauley, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Evidence-Based Intervention Strategies for Communication & Social Interactions, 2nd Edition

Readers will get a thorough introduction to 14 evidence-based interventions, complete with key details on each intervention’s theoretical and empirical basis, components, practical requirements, applications for both children and adults, and considerations for children from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Twelve video clips (available for streaming) illustrate the interventions in action, and highly relevant learning activities prepare SLPs and other practitioners to make sound decisions in scenarios they’re likely to encounter in the field.

Case Studies for the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Through 14 realistic cases, readers will explore the types of clinical challenges they may face, see what the experts would recommend, and get exercises to help them practice their decision-making skills.

Interventions for Speech Sound Disorders in Children, 2nd Edition

Interventions for Speech Sound Disorders in Children, 2nd Edition - Cover ArtInterventions for Speech Sound Disorders in Children, 2nd Edition

Lynn Williams, Ph.D., Sharynne McLeod, Ph.D., & Rebecca J. McCauley, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

An essential building block of every SLP’s professional preparation, the second edition of this bestselling text is a comprehensive critical analysis of 21 interventions for speech sound disorders (SSD) in children. Bringing together a powerhouse team of international experts, this new edition has been enhanced with current research, new interventions, more guidance on selecting interventions, and updated video clips. For each intervention, readers will get a clear explanation of its evidence base, plus guidance on implementing the approach, monitoring progress, and using the intervention with children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Introduction to Clinical Methods in Communication Disorders, 4th Edition

Introduction to Clinical Methods in Communication Disorders, 4th Edition - Cover ArtIntroduction to Clinical Methods in Communication Disorders, 4th Edition

Rhea Paul, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, & Elizabeth Schoen Simmons, M.S., CCC-SLP

Fully updated based on the 2020 ASHA standards and recent AAA standards, the new edition of this bestseller is the core textbook for all students in clinical methods courses—and a reliable reference for practicing SLPs and audiologists.


  • New chapter on using principles of observation to gather accurate, valid data in clinical settings and deeply understand clinical processes and procedures
  • Expanded information on intervention principles, technology in clinical practice, counseling, relationships with supervisors, and single-case experimental design
  • New faculty materials, including a test bank with questions for each chapter and suggested projects that professors can assign students
  • Chapters on clinical competence and family-centered practice by experts
  • New student-friendly text features

Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Supporting Children and Adults with Complex Communication Needs, 5th Edition

Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Supporting Children and Adults with Complex Communication Needs, 5th Edition - Cover ArtAugmentative and Alternative Communication: Supporting Children and Adults with Complex Communication Needs, 5th Edition

David R. Beukelman, Ph.D., & Janice C. Light, Ph.D.

The authoritative text on augmentative and alternative communication, this classic bestseller is now in its fifth edition.


  • Professionals will prepare for their work with critical new information on:
  • Collaborating with family members and other communication partners
  • Making the most of mobile technologies and AAC apps
  • Selecting an AAC system and tailoring it to individual needs Working effectively with families from diverse cultural backgrounds
  • Supporting inclusion across the lifespan
  • Providing communication supports to people with autism


A resource guide to help practitioners and students learn more about AAC, sample responses to chapter study questions, and a sample syllabus.

Dual Language Development & Disorders: A Handbook on Bilingualism and Second Language Learning, 3rd Edition

Dual Language Development & Disorders: A Handbook on Bilingualism and Second Language Learning, 3rd Edition - Cover ArtDual Language Development & Disorders: A Handbook on Bilingualism and Second Language Learning, 3rd Edition

Johanne Paradis, Ph.D., Fred Genesee, Ph.D., & Martha B. Crago, Ph.D.

Prepare SLPs and educators to support the growing population of dual language learners with the third edition of this bestselling text, developed by three experts and aligned with Head Start guidelines on cultural and linguistic responsiveness. Updated with the latest research and recommended practices, this book gives future professionals guidance on a wide range of key topics, including recognizing the typical stages of second language learning, supporting development in both languages, distinguishing a language delay from a disorder, planning culturally appropriate interventions, addressing reading disorders in bilingual children, and more.

Ventris Learning

Ventris Learning publishes culturally & linguistically responsive teaching and assessment resources. Our products include:

To learn more, visit www.ventrislearning.com

SRCLD LogoSupported in part by: NIDCD and NICHD, NIH, R13 DC001677, Margarita Kaushanskaya and Audra Sterling, Principal Investigators

University of Wisconsin-Madison – Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders